giovanni giannini

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2007  albero celeste art gallery San Gimignano Tuscany

2006  albero celeste art gallery

2005  albero celeste art gallery, title “Terra e città”, (Earth and city)

          preface by Steven Music.

2004  albero celeste art gallery, title “Terre sospese”, (Flying earths).

2003  albero celeste art gallery title “Labirinti”, (Labirinth).

2001  la maison de l'infante Saint-Jean-de-Luz France.

2000  torre colombera foundation Gorla Maggiore Italy, title “Arte in

          transito”, preface by Luciana Schiroli.

1998  chiostro della collegiata San Gimignano, title “Folle”, (People).


1997  raffaela silbernagl art gallery Milan, title “Nudi”, (Nude),

          preface by Raffaela Silbernagl.

1996  marie-thérèse cochin gallery Paris, title “Paysages géomériques”,

          (Geometric landscapes).

1995  marie-thérèse cochin gallery , title “Nudi”, (Nude).

1994  marie-thérèse cochin gallery , title “Paysages géomériques”,

          (Geometric landscapes).

1994  paulus gallery Stuttgart, title “Pinocchio”.

1993  marie-thérèse cochin gallery , title “Nudi”, (Nude),

          preface by René Lesné.

1992  marie-thérèse cochin gallery , title  “Robots”.

1991  la crocetta gallery Milan, title “Pinocchio”,

          preface by Luciana Schiroli.

1990  le lucernaire gallery Paris, title “La ville”, (City).

1990  giorgio mancini gallery San Gimignano, title “Pinocchio”,

          preface by Giorgio Mancini.

1990  marie-thérèse cochin gallery , title “Pinocchio”,

          preface by Gérard Xuriguéra.

1989  LE FORNACI GALLERY Milano, title “Pinocchio”.

1988  marie-thérèse cochin gallery , title  “La Ville”,

          preface by Gérard Xuriguéra.


1986  étienne de causans gallery Paris.

1986  action-musée gallery Paris, title “Dérives habitées”, (Flying earths),

          preface by Michel Baroin.


1984  expressions gallery Lyon in France, works on paper.

1984  râ gallery Paris, title “Bateaux”, (Ships).

1982  râ gallery, title “Foules”, (People).


1979  madeleine gallery Grenoble, France.

1977  la cour d'ingres gallery Paris, title “Les gares”, (Railway stations),

          preface by Michel de l’Ormeraie.

1974  la cour d'ingres gallery, title “Prague”.

1972  la cour d'ingres gallery, title “Robots”.

1970  del barba gallery Varese, title “Robots”,

          preface by Giovanni Giannini.

1970  fan cagni gallery Lantieri Palace Brescia, title “Robots”,

          preface by Mario de Micheli.

1970  agrifolio gallery Milan.

1969  agrifolio gallery, title “Folle”, (People),

          preface by Dacia Maraini.

1968  agrifolio gallery, title “Stazione”, (Railway stations).


1967  3+2 gallery Paris, title “Foules”, (People).

1966  galleria del centro Turin.

1959  6+2 gallery Copenaghen.

1959  faubourg saint-honoré gallery Paris.

1959 koepke gallery Copenhagen.

1957  colette allendy gallery Paris.